Unifi, is it a High Speed Failure? or a High Speed Success?
After the excitement of Telekom Malaysia unveiling UniFi, its high-speed broadband service that offers Internet speeds of up to 20 megabits per second (Mbps), the bubble burst for many consumers here.
Some are disappointed over what they feel are expensive charges for the packages for home users: RM149 for 5Mbps, RM199 for 10Mbps, and RM249 for 20Mbps.
In Singapore, a 100Mbps service – which is 5 times the speed of a 20Mbps connection – only costs about RM200.
But the real disappointment is the realization that the UniFi packages have a cap on the amount of data that can be downloaded.
The consumers bristled when they learned that the 5Mbps service is capped at 60GB of data per month. The 10Mbps service is capped at 90GB while the 20Mbps service has a 120GB cap.
They were even more disappointed to learn that the data download caps are calculated on a daily basis.
Consumers were further horrified to learn that if they exceeded their daily download limit, their high-speed broadband connections would be throttled down to about 10% of the purchased speed.
Telekom Malaysia CEO Datuk Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa said at a press conference to announce the UniFi pricing yesterday that the measures were part of its Fair Usage Policy.
“This policy is a standard industry practice to ensure that all subscribers get to enjoy the same web surfing quality,” he said.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched UniFi at the Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday night.
Okay, Unifi, points taken.. Initially the plan was
-You pay a very expensive rate to get a speed that is 5mbps/10mbps and 20mbps
-If you used up all of your data capacity you are left with 10% of your BB speed which means, 500kbs, 1000kbs and 2000kbs
- The download cap is ridiculously small = 60gb/120gb/250gb
-Therefore the rage is already started all over the internet
Then Telekom made another announcement today, where they are "taking into accounts" users feedback and decided to "suspend" the download cap until further notice:
PETALING JAYA: Good news. The download cap on Telekom Malaysia’s UniFi high speed broadband service packages has been suspended.
The telco made the announcement on the Twitter microblogging site today and said it made the decision after taking into account public feedback on the cap.
“NO volume cap 4 all #unifi packages 4 now. Decision due to public feedback. TM will only monitor usage pattern 4 time being (sic),” read the tweet.
A spokesman for Telekom Malaysia told In.Tech that the telco, however, does still reserve the right to enforce a download limit to ensure all UniFi subscribers receive equal service quality.
Yesterday, many Malaysians complained on Twitter about the cap. They were disappointed because the cap would restrict the daily amount of data they can download via the high speed broadband service. (See report at http://bit.ly/ddk67k.)
They were also disappointed to learn that if the cap was exceeded, their connections would be throttled down to about 10% of the purchased speed. UniFi is available in 5Mbps (megabits per second), 10Mbps and 20Mbps packages.
With the latest announcement by Telekom Malaysia, many people are rejoicing. Among them is communications consultant Justin Then, who said he’s happy to note that Telekom Malaysia listens to consumers.
“Capping our high speed Internet access doesn’t make sense, if the Government wants Malaysians to seek out knowledge and be innovative,” he said.
A Twitter user, who asked to be identified only as Flo, said she’s glad Telekom Malaysia has decided not to employ the cap for now.
“We are paying a premium for technology that offers super high bandwidth, so a daily cap shouldn’t be applied. There’s no value in that; we would be better off with regular broadband,” she said.
(I Totally Agree)
Funny situation we have here, although they are temporarily saying that they wouldn't impose download caps it doesn't mean that they won't... They could always use the fair usage policy as a weapon against us the users...... we shall see how this facade will play itself
source: http://thestar.com.my/
Don't ever get UNIFI
I had subsribed for the 5MB service on June 2010 and on the first day itself their standard solution for the the IPTV would be to switch on and off. It is now more than 4 months and there are frequent interruptions to the IPTV with the standard solution proposed. They have absolutelly no customer service with promises of fixing it within 24-48 hrs be consistently broken including promises to call me to let me know the status. They even had the gall to give me fake names whenever I asked for their names - for all intents and purposes they have all my details on their computer and yet we not provided full names whenever they are deficient in their service.
Every single call to the customer service is being charged so congratulations to TM for providing this service including a method of generating revenue.
Absolutely a 3rd world mentality masquerading behind high tech services that they do not know how to maintain nor service. Don't ever get UNIFI - they just give you a universal headache.
Zaid Aziz Ibrahim
Report Nos.
1-367736791 dated 12/10/2010 (102011,108002 error codes)
1-3545886 dated 8/10/2010 (102011,108002 error codes)