How To Find Boyfriend China Style
The horde of Zhang Mengqian's suitors
When Zhang Mengqian announced that she was looking for a boyfriend on a “wish wall” at her university in south-west China, she must have been hoping that she’d get a few eligible responses.
Zhang Mengqian announced her search for love as part of the university’s 'girls’ day'
She wrote: "My name is Zhang Mengqian, a grade one student. I think I am attractive, but strangely I can't find a boyfriend"
"However I believe in destiny. If you have the same wish, please come under my dormitory building and shout for my name between 12:30 and 12:50 on March 11, 2010 and I will observe you secretly up on the building.
"If you're my type, I'll come down to meet you."
She was shocked when she looked down from her window at the appointed hour. The scene below was more akin to a football crowd than the tender balcony moment from Romeo and Juliet.
Her message had touched the hearts - or something - of not just a few potential suitors, but thousands.
Perhaps the enormous response was entirely predictable. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu, Sichuan province, has a male to female ratio of 25:1.
Mengqian had announced her search for love as part of the university’s “girls’ day”. Each female student was given a blank card and asked to write their wish and place it on the wall.
Of the thousands of young men who made the effort of turning up, however, surprisingly only a few were brave enough to complete the last part of her challenge and shout out Mengqian’s name.
Published March 16 2010
What a very cute blog..
Maybe others can also do this kind of "boyfriend searching".
really like it.