Celebrating 2010 Chinese New Year
Well, time passes by so fast that I didn't even realized that we are celebrating new year again. For this year celebration, I had my reunion dinner at home in KL, and heading off to my hometown Taiping the next day. The drive was smooth as most families have returned to their hometown before that. Well, I must say that people are hungry for more business as even the hawkers stalls have open on the first day of Chinese New Year (don't they ever take a break?) which brings joys to my mundane day as I have the chance to enjoy Taiping famous dry wanton mee. We were staying the night at my aunt's home at... erm somewhere between the hills. To tell the truth, the heat is killing me there, its worse than KL and whats even more of a nightmare is that my aunt's house doesn't have any air-conditioner. What we have is a fan, and a broken down air ventilator. Sleeping through the night is a challenge as the weather in Taiping is so hot and it feels like sauna every second of the day and even night. What I'm thinking of that time is my cold and cozy room back in my own home...
The 2nd day of Chinese New Year we went back to Penang to visit my father side relative and of course to get more ang pau ^.^ Penang is like usual, HOT, JAM, PARKING, and stressful life everyday. The sun is so bright that I felt like a vampire burning under the sun-ray. One thing to compensate this hell hole is the awesome penang food. We went to a very nice hawker center called the Northam Beach Cafe (why Northam? hmm....) and it is food paradise over there. There are plenty of stalls and lots of variety of food. I ate until I suffocate and finally given up. The best fried oysters can be found there, (the oysters is as big as a 50sen coin!!) the amount of starch and oil is just right! which is quite rare. The cafe is beside the sea, so we manage to get a table with the sea scenery and enjoy the warm sea breeze during the night.
Well talking about cny celebration, I don't really feel it this year. The angpau are lesser, and most people just celebrating it at home, sitting around and watching TV whole day. Perhaps its the economic depression or maybe people just get lazy overtime or too busy to do anything grand. I cried tears of joy when its finally the day I return home back to KL, back to civilization, and back to my paradise. Overall this year celebration doesn't really have anything special for different. Or perhaps we are getting older and no longer feel the excitement of celebration cny. ^_^ so how is you guys new year?
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