Balancing Girlfriend and Gaming
A great article posted by Ty on how to balance your love and gaming! There is love for both, but how do you keep them to co-exist with each other? find it out with this bible...
At this exact moment his life flashes before him and nothing is more important than the words that are about to exit his mouth. She stands there, blocking the TV, glaring at him. With controller tightly in hand and a smile of anticipation long gone, he concedes. Who can blame this poor gamer? We’ve almost all gone through this, regardless of who your significant other is or how much they appreciate gaming!
The fine staff here at Explicit Gamer understands how difficult juggling girlfriends/wives and gaming can be, not to mention everything else going on in our busy lives. Who can really blame any guy that chooses girl over game when the pressure is on? We all know what’s at stake. But when do we draw the line? More importantly, how do we just get the chance to play without creating a confrontation? My friends, you’re about to find out!
Let’s start off by discussing every male gamer’s dream girlfriend. The gamer girl! She may like to play as much as you do, or maybe just every once in a while. regardless, she plays
Nothing could be better, unless she is hogging the console, of course. As fantastic as this situation is, there is still doom lurking right around the corner. You’ve been so caught up in the fact that she plays that you’ve let yourself slip into the mindset that she plays for the same reasons you do. You’re very very wrong. Most of the time women are playing to “spend time with you”. So what happens when she doesn’t feel like playing or even worse, you’re playing by yourself? The wrath of what once was the world’s coolest gaming girl manifests itself full force, and decision time has set. Here’s what your options are:
1. Turn everything off and do whatever she wants.
2. Offer to quit your game and play co-op so she can play.
3. Let her play and painfully watch.
Our choice: Women LOVE naps. Pause the game and suggest a nap or get up and walk away for a minute, sometimes they will get distracted on their own or actually go take a nap. Unless she REALLY wants to spend time with you. Then nothing will maker her happy besides giving in. At least these types are easier to please, they like gaming!
Gaming girls = sweeet!
1. Quietly, and with a whipped voice, tell your friends you have to get off. Turn everything off.
2. Just turn the console off. Then lie and tell them you got disconnected and your internet was down.
3. Compromise. Beg to finish the match and in return you’ll join her.
4. Tell her to find somebody else to bother, you’re busy. (Warning: continually choosing this option may result in disaster)
Our choice: Keep telling her you only need five more minutes. If done long enough most restaurants will close and she’ll get tired enough to go to bed. If this doesn’t work, try fake crying at being killed because she was in the way. Mute your mic first.
1. As soon as you see her heading for the power button, turn it off and act like you were getting off anyways.
2. Pause the game and go into the kitchen (act like you’re busy) till things calm down. Beware: conversations happen there.
3. Just keep yelling at the TV or people online. She most likely won’t yell over you.
Our choice: Play her game. If she complains about all the housework, complain about all the insurgents shooting at you. If she complains about working all day and having to come home and work, complain about working all day killing bad guys or brain exhaustion from solving puzzles that never ends. If she complains about you wasting time, complain about all the time she’s wasting by complaining at you. Eventually she’ll get the idea.
Maybe he should've taken the trash out when she told him to...
1. Keep doing what you’ve been doing. You’re the idiot that’s been dealing with it, why stop now?
2. Grab the gear and run. Anything is better than that situation.
3. Get some giant headphones to use while playing and ignore her yelling at you. Also, make a steel case with a lock around your console so she can’t turn it off or rip it out of the wall. Same with the TV.
4. Throw some Starbucks gift cards, fashion magazines, and high heels out the door and lock it behind her when she runs after them.
Our choice: Aside from the obvious solution of getting out of the relationship, here is our best bet of surviving this type of insanity. Hopefully you have more than one room in your living space, if not, running far far away is your only hope. If so, purchase a heavy duty door and about 10 types of locks for it. Install door on extra room and add locks to both sides of the door. Always remember to lock the door regardless of what side you’re on. Build the most amazing theater room/man cave you can imagine and spend all your time in it. Don’t forget the sound system to drown out the banging sounds on the door!
Having to choose between the two is never a fun situation.
I leave you all with an Xbox Live bio I ran across a while back that fits perfectly: “No wonder women hate gaming. They can’t compete with it! A console will never nag. It’s always turned on when you want it to be. It’s compatible with all your friends. If it gets moody or doesn’t do what you want, you can easily trade it in for another one. If what it’s doing annoys you, it is easily fixable by popping in a different disc. It will always reward you (achievements/trophies). It remembers everything you put into it. It doesn’t require attention or affection. And you don’t have to cuddle after you use it!”
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